MacBook Pro (2015)
This bad boy has been with my since college. It was a gift from my parents in 2015 and was my main computer for a long time. Even after I first built my desktop. It is fairly underpowered for my current use cases, but it still gets the job done in a pinch.
I first began video editing on this MacBook Pro. I used it for some time, even after I built my desktop because my first build was not all that powerful and, at the time, I still preferred the Apple ecosystem. Eventually, when my desktop became more powerful, I used the MacBook less and less, but while I was still in college I used it nearly every day.
Nowadays, writing code on this computer is a bit of a pain. It doesn’t have much RAM so overloading it with tasks, like I do, can make it pretty slow. That being said, I have used it plenty of times for quick fixes and small projects. It is still a very capable computer and I am glad I have it.
My favorite use case for my laptop is using it to get away from my desk. If I still need to get work done, but I need a change of scenery, I will take my laptop to the local library, a coffee shop, or even just sit on the couch and work. It is a great way to keep my mind fresh and get some work done.